Talks and lectures

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In Swedish 

Sépulchre, M. (2019). Att säkerställa medborgarskap för personer med funktionsnedsättning: en fråga om rättigheter eller kostnader? [Ensuring citizenship for persons with disabilities: a question of rights or costs?] (lecture delivered at PSFunk-day, a conference organised in collaboration with the Swedish Television (SVT), the Swedish Radio (SR), the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (UR) and the Swedish Disability Rights Federation (Funktionsrätt), November 7, Stockholm, Sweden). (watch the video)

Talks and lectures:

At international conferences (as invited keynote speaker) 

Sépulchre, M. (2019) Ensuring citizenship for disabled people: A matter of rights or a matter of costs? (Keynote at the 8th Annual conference of Alter – European Society for Disability Research, September 5-6 in Cologne, Germany).


At international conferences (call for abstracts)

Sépulchre, M. (2021) ‘Disability discrimination’ in the news: a comparison between Sweden and the US (Paper presented at the Society for Disability Studies @ Ohio State University Conference, April 17-20, online conference).


Sépulchre, M. (2021) What’s the news about ‘disability discrimination’? A comparison between Sweden and the US (Paper presented at the British Sociological Association (BSA) 70th Anniversary Virtual Conference: Remaking the Future, April 13-15, online conference).


Sépulchre, M. (2021) Comparing media reporting on ‘disability discrimination’ in Sweden and the US (Paper presented at the 9th Annual conference of Alter – European Society for Disability Research, April 8-9, online conference).


Sépulchre, M. (2019) How do disability activists claim inclusion in contemporary Sweden? (Paper presented at the 15th Interdisciplinary conference in disability research of the Nordic Network of Disability Research (NNDR), May 8-10 in Copenhagen, Denmark).


Gäddman Johansson, R. and Sépulchre, M. (2018) Remaining Close at a Distance: Negotiating Support and Service Provision at Housing with Special Services (Paper presented at the Dis/connection symposium organised by the Cultural Matters Group, 27-28 September in Uppsala, Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2018) Disability rights activists engage in the public sphere: a content analysis of debate articles in Swedish newspapers (Paper presented at the 9th Lancaster Disability Studies conference, 11-13 September in Lancaster, UK).


Sépulchre, M. (2018) Understanding the Shrinking Social and Economic Rights of Persons with Disabilities through the Lens of Citizenship (Paper presented at the 19th ISA (International Sociological Association) World Congress of Sociology, 15-21 July in Toronto, Canada).


Waldschmidt, A. and Sépulchre, M. (2017) Citizenship of / for Persons with Disabilities – Reflections on an Ambivalent Concept (Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of Alter – European Society for Disability Research, July 6-7 in Lausanne, Switzerland).


Sépulchre, M. (2017). Using social media as empirical data: What are the pros and cons for disability research? (Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of Alter, July 6-7 in Lausanne, Switzerland).


Sépulchre, M. (2016). Blogging to claim rights and challenge the ideal of citizenship: the case of Swedish disabled people (Paper presented at the 8th Disability Studies Conference, September 6-8 in Lancaster, UK).


Sépulchre, M. (2016). Citizenship in action: Swedish disabled people claim ‘Full Participation.Now'. (Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference of Alter – European Society for Disability Research, June 30- July 1 in Stockholm, Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2016). Imagining Citizenship: Swedish Disabled People Claim ‘Full Participation.Now’. (Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies, March 31-April 2 in Detroit, USA).


Sépulchre, M. (2015). Research on disability and citizenship: state of the art and ways forward. (Paper presented at the 17th Conference of the European Sociological Association, August 25-28 in Prague, Czech Republic).


Lindqvist, R. and Sépulchre, M. (2015) Active Citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden: a life course perspective. (Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of Alter – European Society for Disability Research, July 2-3 in Paris, France).


Sépulchre, M. (2015). The concept of citizenship in Disability Research, a literature review. (Paper presented at the 13th Research conference of the Nordic Network of Disability Research (NNDR), May 6-8 in Bergen, Norway).


Sépulchre, M. (2014). Exploring the Meaning of 'Community' in Relation to Citizenship and Experiences of Disability. (Paper presented at the 7th Disability Studies Conference, September 9-11 in Lancaster, UK).


Sépulchre, M. (2014) Experiences of Citizenship and 'Disability Identity' in the Swedish Context. (Paper presented at the 7th Disability Studies Conference, September 9-11 in Lancaster, UK).


Sépulchre, M. and Lindqvist, R. (2014) Enhancing active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities, the role of the state in the European context. (Paper presented at the 27th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association, August 14-16 in Lund, Sweden).


At national conferences 

Sépulchre, M. (2016). Blogging to claim full citizenship for persons with disabilities (Paper presented at the conference organised by the Centrum för funktionshinderforskning (Centre for Disability Research), September 29-30, Uppsala, Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2016). Rejecting second-class citizenship: Swedish disabled people claim ‘Full Participation.Now'. (Paper presented at the Biennial conference of the Swedish sociological association (Sociologidagarna), March 10-12 in Uppsala, Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2014). Towards an individual model of impairment: social and individual normality as competing reference points for defining impairments (Paper presented at the conference organised by the Centrum för funktionshinderforskning (Centre for Disability Research), November 12-13 in Gothenburg, Sweden).


At other organisations (as invited guest) 

Sépulchre, M. (2021). Diskriminering på grund av funktionsnedsättning? En analys av mediebilder i Sverige och USA. [Discrimination based on disability? An analysis of media representation in Sweden and the United States] (presentation at Umeå centrum för funktionshinderforskning [Umeå center for disability research], September 15 in Umeå, Sweden (online presentation).


Sépulchre, M. (2021). Comment la notion de non-discrimination sur base du handicap est-elle interprétée en Suède et aux Etats- Unis? [How is the notion of discrimination based on disability interpreted in Sweden and the United States?] (presentation at the seminar series of Saint-Louis University-Brussels, March 2 online presentation).


Sépulchre, M. (2021). Disability and justice as minimising domination (presentation at the seminar series of the Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF) at Uppsala University, January 26 online presentation).


Sépulchre, M. (2020). E-Mich – Disability and justice as minimising domination (presentation at the ‘Tuesday Seminars’ of the Hoover Chair in Economic and Social Ethics at UCLouvain, November 3 online presentation).


Sépulchre, M. (2020). Disability and justice as minimising domination (presentation at the ‘hälsopedagogiska’ seminar organised by the Department of Education of Stockholm University, September 7 online presentation).


Sépulchre, M. (2019). Att säkerställa medborgarskap för personer med funktionsnedsättning: en fråga om rättigheter eller kostnader? [Ensuring citizenship for persons with disabilities: a question of rights or costs?] (lecture delivered at PSFunk-day, a conference organised in collaboration with the Swedish Television (SVT), the Swedish Radio (SR), the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (UR) and the Swedish Disability Rights Federation (Funktionsrätt), November 7, Stockholm, Sweden). (watch the video)


Sépulchre, M. (2019). Detta är inte medborgarskap. En analys av funktionshinderaktivisternas krav i Sverige [This is not citizenship. Analysing the claims of disability activists in Sweden] (presentation delivered at a seminar organised by the association Förbundet FÖR delaktighet och jämlikhet [the association for participation and equality] and Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund (ABF) [worker’s educational association], October 25, Stockholm, Sweden). 


Sépulchre, M. (2019). Kan nya idéer komma från en gammal folkrörelse? [Can new ideas come from an old civil movement?] (presentation delivered at the ‘Frukostseminar’ [Breakfast seminar] organised by the Region of Uppsala, October 16, Uppsala, Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2019). Can ’disability’ be considered as a social division like gender, ethnicity and class? (lecture delivered at the Thursday seminars organised by the Centre for Gender Research at Uppsala University, October 3, Uppsala, Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2019). Vad vill funktionshinderaktivister egentligen? En studie av påståenden från funktionshinderaktivister i Sverige (lecture delivered as part of the CFF public lectures at the University Hall, organised by the Centre for Disability research [Centrum for forskning om funktionshinder], Uppsala University, September 17, Uppsala).


Sépulchre, M. (2017). Who can be included? – Swedish Disability Rights Activists Claim ’Full Participation Now!’ (lecture at the Department of Special Education, Stockholm University, December 4, Stockholm, Sweden. Invitation by Liz Adams Lyngbäck).


Sépulchre, M. (2017). Swedish disability rights activists claim ‘Full Participation Now!’ – Constructions of citizenship by disabled people in Sweden (public lecture at the Department Heilpädagogic und Rehabilitation, University of Cologne, November 23, Cologne, Germany. Invitation by Anne Waldschmidt).


Sépulchre, M. (2017). Från Patient till Medborgare På Riktigt – en Blogg som kräver ‘Full Delaktighet Nu’ (presentation at the ‘hälsopedagogiska’ seminar organised by the Department of Education of Stockholm University, March 8 in Stockholm Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2016). Om att blogga för att kräva rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsätting [Blogging to claim rights for disabled people] (presentation at the conference ’Forskning Pågår om Funktionshinder’ organised by Uppsala University and Regionförbunded Uppsala Län, September 28, Uppsala, Sweden).


Sépulchre, M. (2015). Aktivt medborgarskap: lärdomar från ett europeiskt forskningsprojekt baserad på konventionen om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (presentation at a conference organised by the Swedish Disability Federation (HSO) for the international disability day, December 3 in Stockholm, Sweden).


Lindqvist, R. and Sépulchre, M. (2014). DISCIT - Making Persons with Disabilities Full Citizens.  New Knowledge for an Inclusive and Sustainable European Social Model (presentation at a conference organised by NSPH (Swedish organisation for psychological health), May 14 in Stockholm, Sweden).