Sépulchre, M. 2021. Disability and Citizenship Studies. London: Routledge.
Review of the book: Bradby, H. (2021) ”Disability and citizenship studies: Marie Sépulchre”, Sociologisk Forskning, 58(1–2). doi: 10.37062/sf.58.23220.
Sépulchre, M. 2019. This is not citizenship. Analysing the claims of disability activists in Sweden. Uppsala: Uppsala University (PhD thesis).
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Sépulchre, M. 2023. "Intersectional Praxis and Disability in Higher Education" Social Inclusion, 11(4), 362-372
Sépulchre, M. 2022. "Disability, Justice and Freedom as Non-Domination" International Journal of Disability and Social Justice, 2(1), 11-30
Kaya, G., Mathieu, C. and Sépulchre, M. 2022. "Disability and arts education. From unequal participation to opportunities for innovation" Scuola democratica, 2, 261-278, DOI: 10.12828/104553
Fernqvist, S. and Sépulchre, M. 2022. “Guaranteed or conditional child maintenance? Examining the 2016 reform in Sweden” Critical Social Policy, 42(3): 428-447,
Sépulchre, M. 2020, “Ensuring the citizenship rights of disabled people: A matter rights or a matter of costs?” Alter European Journal of Disability research, 14(2): 114-127,
Note: This article won the Alter Young Author Prize 2019, awarded by Alter, the European Society for Disability Research.
Waldschmidt, A. and Sépulchre, M. 2019. “Citizenship: Reflections on a Relevant but Ambivalent Concept for Persons with Disabilities” Disability & Society, 34(3): 421-448,
Sépulchre, M. 2018. “Tensions and Unity in the Struggle for Citizenship: Swedish Disability Rights Activists Claim ‘Full Participation! Now!’” Disability & Society, 33(4):539-561,
Sépulchre, M. 2017. “Research about citizenship and disability: a scoping review”. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39 (10): 949-956,
Lindqvist, R. and Sépulchre, M. 2016. “Active citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities in Sweden: a life-course perspective”. Alter – European Journal of Disability research, 10(2): 124-136,
Sépulchre, M., and Lindqvist, R. 2016. “Enhancing Active Citizenship for Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities”. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 18(4): 316–327,
Book chapters
Sépulchre, M. (forthcoming). Freedom vs. vulnerability. In D. Kulick & S. Vehmas (Eds.), Clashing Vulnerabilities: disabilities and conflict, Routledge
Sépulchre, M. and Lindberg, L. 2020. “Swedish disability activism: from welfare to human rights?” In The Routledge Handbook of Disability Activism, edited by Berghs, M., Chataika, T., El-Lahib, Y. & Dub, A.K., 398-411, London and New York: Routledge.
Sépulchre, M., Lindqvist, R., Schuller, V., Klette Bøhler, K. 2018. ”How do persons with psychosocial disabilities experience and practise Active Citizenship in education and work?”. In Understanding the lived experiences of persons with disabilities in nine countries. Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 2, edited by R. Halverson, Hvinden B., Beadle-Brown J., Biggeri M., Tøssebro J., Waldschmidt A., 120-136, London: Routledge.
Sépulchre, M., Schuller, V., Kline, J., Kittelsaa, A. 2018. “Gendering Active Citizenship: experiences of women with disabilities". In Understanding the lived experiences of persons with disabilities in nine countries: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 2, edited by R. Halvorsen, Hvinden B., Beadle-Brown J., Biggeri M., Tøssebro J., Waldschmidt A., 156-173, London: Routledge.
Lindqvist, R., Sépulchre, M. and Schuller V. 2017. “To what extent is the assistance and support provided by social services capable of enhancing Active Citizenship for persons with psychosocial disabilities? A comparative perspective.” In The Changing Disability Policy System. Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 1, edited by Halvorsen, R., Hvinden, B., Bickenbach, J., Ferri, D. & Gillén Rodrigues A.M. 108-126, London: Routledge.
Encyclopedia entries
Sépulchre, M. 2024. "25: Disability and Citizenship". In Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies, edited by Garciá Cabeza, M., Faist, T. 153-158.
Book reviews
Sépulchre, M. 2020. “Hughes, B. A Historical Sociology of Disability. Human Validity and Invalidity from Antiquity to Early Modernity. Routledge 2020 364 pp. £29.99 (paperback)” British Journal of Sociology, 71(4): 818-820,