Positions and research projects
2023 - ongoing: Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Social Work of Lund University, Sweden.
2021-2023: Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology of Lund University, Sweden.
2020: Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.
2019: Temporary lecturer at the Centre for Social Work (CESAR) at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.
2019: Researcher in the project “Samarbete som förutsättning och föräldraförmåga? [Collaboration as condition and parental ability]?”, Scientific coordinator: Stina Fernqvist, at the Centre for Social Work (CESAR) at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.
2013: Doctoral student at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.
2013-2016: Research assistant in the EU project DISCIT (Making persons with disabilities full citizens) involving 9 European countries, funded by the 7th framework programme (grand agreement number: 320079), Scientific coordinator: Bjørn Hvinden (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway).
2019: Ph.D. in sociology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
2012: MSc in sociology, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
2010: BA in sociology and anthropology, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Belgium.
International visits
2021-2022: Visiting researcher at the Center for Disability Studies of the University at Buffalo, USA. Invited by Michael Rembis.
2020: Visiting researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research of the University of Glasgow, UK (spring 2020). Invited by Nicholas Watson.
2016: Visiting researcher at the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of York, UK (May 2016). Invited by Roy Sainsbury.
2019: Young Author Prize, awarded by Alter - European Society for Disability Research.
Stipends and grants
2020: Postdoc fellowship (350,000 SEK) from the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff).
2020: Conference travel stipend (3,644 SEK) from the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University (online conferences).
2019: Conference travel stipend (11,523 SEK) from the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University.
2018: Conference travel stipend (21,880 SEK) from Smålands Nation in Uppsala.
2017: Conference travel stipend (11,280 SEK) from the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University
2016: Travel stipend (16,950 SEK) from Smålands Nation in Uppsala.
2015: Conference travel stipend (15,133 SEK) from Smålands Nation in Uppsala.
Referee assignments of academic journals and publishers
Referee work for the following journals and publishers:
Population Research and Policy Review
Disability and Rehabilitation
Disability and Society
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
Qualitative Inquiry
Frontiers in Sociology
Alter - European Journal of Disability Research
Introduction to Sociology
Introduction to Methods in Social Sciences
Social Policy and Welfare
Disability Studies
Supervision of bachelor theses in Sociology, Criminology and Social Work
Leadership and organisation roles
2023-present: Member of the board of the Nordic Network on Disability Research.
2020-2022: Coordinator of Kritfunk, the Swedish Network for Critical Disability Studies, together with Ida Norberg (Stockholm University, Sweden)
2020: Coordinator of the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University, together with Hannah Bradby (Uppsala University)
2016: Member of the organising committee for the 5th Annual Conference of Alter, European Society for Disability Research, June 30-July 1 in Stockholm
2015-2019: Doctoral student representative in the board of the Centre for Disability Research (Centrum för funktionshinderforskning) at Uppsala University
French, Dutch, English and Swedish.