
2023 - ongoing: Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Social Work of Lund University, Sweden.

2021-2023: Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology of Lund University, Sweden.

2020: Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (SYLFF) postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.

2019: Temporary lecturer at the Centre for Social Work (CESAR) at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.

2019: Researcher in the project “Samarbete som förutsättning och föräldraförmåga? [Collaboration as condition and parental ability]?”, Scientific coordinator: Stina Fernqvist, at the Centre for Social Work (CESAR) at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.

2013: Doctoral student at the Department of Sociology of Uppsala University.

2013-2016: Research assistant in the EU project DISCIT (Making persons with disabilities full citizens) involving 9 European countries, funded by the 7th framework programme (grand agreement number: 320079), Scientific coordinator: Bjørn Hvinden (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway).


2019: Ph.D. in sociology, Uppsala University, Sweden.

2012: MSc in sociology, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

2010: BA in sociology and anthropology, Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Belgium.

International visits

2024: Visiting researcher in the Communities of Care Project funded by the Mellon Foundation at the University at Buffalo, USA.

2021-2022: Visiting researcher at the Center for Disability Studies of the University at Buffalo, USA. 

2020: Visiting researcher at the Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research of the University of Glasgow, UK (spring 2020).

2016: Visiting researcher at the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of York, UK (May 2016). 


2019: Young Author Prize, awarded by Alter - European Society for Disability Research.

Stipends and grants

2024: Stipend (75,000 SEK) from Include to conduct the project "Mot ett LU för alla-Teaterhögskolan som en försöksverksamhet för breddad rekrytering och breddat deltagande [Towards a Lund University for all - The Theatre Academy as an experimental lab for broadened recruitment and participation]" 

2020: Postdoc fellowship (350,000 SEK) from the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund (Sylff).

2020: Conference travel stipend (3,644 SEK) from the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University (online conferences).

2019: Conference travel stipend (11,523 SEK) from the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University.

2018: Conference travel stipend (21,880 SEK) from Smålands Nation in Uppsala.

2017: Conference travel stipend (11,280 SEK) from the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University

2016: Travel stipend (16,950 SEK) from Smålands Nation in Uppsala.

2015: Conference travel stipend (15,133 SEK) from Smålands Nation in Uppsala.

Referee assignments of academic journals and publishers

Referee work for the following journals and publishers: 


Introduction to Sociology

Introduction to Methods in Social Sciences 

Social Policy and Welfare

Disability Studies

Supervision of bachelor theses in Sociology, Criminology and Social Work

Leadership and organisation roles

2023-present: Member of the board of the Nordic Network on Disability Research.

2020-2022: Coordinator of Kritfunk, the Swedish Network for Critical Disability Studies, together with Ida Norberg (Stockholm University, Sweden)

2020: Coordinator of the Welfare Research Group at Uppsala University, together with Hannah Bradby (Uppsala University)

2016: Member of the organising committee for the 5th Annual Conference of Alter, European Society for Disability Research, June 30-July 1 in Stockholm

2015-2019: Doctoral student representative in the board of the Centre for Disability Research (Centrum för funktionshinderforskning) at Uppsala University


French, Dutch, English and Swedish.